If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become great and immeasurable.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Photo by Ellen Tynan

Sugarloaf Mountain Walk and Meditation

What is it like to enter the landscape and walk the land in a sacred way? What might we discover about ourselves and this living system we call home, if we were to slow down and mindfully explore both our inner and outer landscape?autumnlandscape

Our  walk will be interspersed with stops for meditation, qi gong, readings, and contemplations to bring a greater awareness to our experience of being with and on the earth. As Gary Snyder said about his and others’ circumnambulation of Mt. Tamalpais in the early ‘60s – “The main thing is to pay your regards, to play, to engage, to stop and pay attention. It’s just a way of stopping and looking — at yourself, too.

Come celebrate the colors and the bounty of Autumn with meditations, qi gong (with James Foulkes!) and mindfulness practices to connect you with  the energy of the season.

  • Walk date: October 27, 2013
  • Our walk will be about 5-6 miles, with some steep sections and rocky terrain.
  • We will meet at the East View parking lot at Sugarloaf Mt, Dickerson, MD at 9 am.  The day will finish about 3 pm.
  • Maximum number of participants: 20

The fee for this day-long is $40.00. (No-one turned away for lack of funds.)

For more information contact Ellen: e@wildpresence.org.  To register please go to imcw.org.

October 27, 2013