The world and I reciprocate one another.
David Abram
Photo by Ellen Tynan


Welcome to Wild Presence Meditation a place for you to make your own inner discoveries in the outer world.Black Rock meditation

Let’s start with a question.  What are you longing for?

              • To discover a deep sense of connection with your life and the world around you?
              • To revitalize an existing or develop a new meditation practice?
              • To find some calm in the midst of the busy-ness of daily life?
              • To awaken to your truest nature?

If so, you’ve come to the right place.  The courses, retreats and one-to-one teaching offered here provide a place for you to explore what’s truly important to you and discover a deep sense of connection and meaning in your life.

Most of my time growing up, the youngest of five kids in an Irish Catholic family in Southeastern Massachusetts, I spent outside.  I didn’t climb the Rockies from the age of two or anything, but like many kids, I found a place to wander, discover and belong among the birds, animals, trees and waters of the woods, salt marshes and dunes of my small coastal town.  The sense of belonging and presence that I first found there has stayed with me throughout my life.  And, when I began to practice meditation, I discovered that bringing my practice together with the natural awareness that comes through being in nature had profound and beautiful effects.

Whether you currently practice meditation or not, you may have already experienced some sense of peace, vitality and inter-connectedness when you’re in nature.  I doubt it’s a coincidence that when you ask people to name a place where they feel fully alive, calm and happy, many of them name a special place in nature.  Being in the presence of mountains, trees, rivers, animals that are always in this very moment embodying the essence of their own nature somehow allows our own nature to be in this moment, as it is; there’s a dropping away of the various roles we play and the sense of a small separate self and in their place a deep sense of ease and connection can arise.  If you’d like to explore what it’s like to have nature as your teacher on this path and have a deep longing to come home to yourself – please join Wild Presence for your own exploration.

For more information on offerings and one-to-one teaching (via Skype or in person) contact Ellen.

What people are saying…

“I loved being able to meditate on the mountain, taking a break from the city and “reconnecting” with nature.  Ellen’s guided meditation on visualizing the bond with plants and animals, and our constant exchange of oxygen, was particularly effective. … Overall, this was a very enriching experience. I am glad my first retreat took place in nature, as I had a hard time imagining myself being able to sit still and meditate in silence for a whole day (or days) indoors.  I can’t wait for the next opportunity…”

“Ellen was modest and full of knowledge, caring and open to all others’ experiences,… and helped us open awareness at perfect locations. Her joy of place was infectious, and her care for all life uplifting.”

“What did I like about the day?  Everything in particular!”